lunes, 7 de mayo de 2012

Ready for the mountain?

Are you going camping and you don’t know what to take? 
This list may seem to be excessive, but remember that weather conditions can be much more extreme than town.

Basic equipment:
-          A -20ºC sleeping bag (made of feather is the most recommended)
-          Insulation
-          If you are not staying at a shelter, you must take a tent that stands rains, wind and snow
-          A waterproof jacket
-          It is very important to use good quality of shoes (trekking boots)
-          Warm clothes (not cotton) thermal shirt, comfortable and fresh pants.
-          Backpack ( try to choose one that is lightweight but strong, large enough to carry all your needs ) It is advisable to take a 70 kg one.
-          Is critical to take bottles with water or may be a sport liquid like Gatorade, and always take with you some nuts and cereal bars to recover the energy lost in the walk. You have to drink water before you get thirsty because that is a sign you are dehydrated
-           First aid kit ( a small one)
-          Maps and guides of the place you are going to.

Important accessories
-          Socks( some pairs)
-          snow gloves
-           a scarf
-          a wool cap

-          camera
-          torch
-          compass

-          -If you are going to cook you have to take a heater ( optional ) or you can cook in the embers of the fire. Don’t forget to take a lighter with you
-          Bear in mind that if you get cold, you must warm up you head
-          -you don’t have to take more than required, try to reduce the weight carried as much as possible without compromising your safety.

                                                                                                                Juliana Gonzalez

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