miércoles, 16 de mayo de 2012

Mature that heals

Patagonia, the far-off land, offers you a variety of medicinal plants, traditionally used since these plants were the only known medicine before doctors arrived. Their effectiveness is a knowledge that has been transmitted through generations. May be their discovery was the result of the wish of the different cultures to heal, something magical or religious, or something that brought them happiness. Most of the discoveries were the result of search for new kinds of food. They had to try and see if those plants were edible by the effect in their bodies. Some were poisonous causing death and others generated an increase in sweating, eliminated arthritis or were good for the bowels. That´s how the medicinal proprieties of some plants were discovered.
We have the perfect environment for the development of these herbs: abundant precipitations, fertile soil and untouched forest areas in the mountains.
One of the herbs that really works is the “Llantén",
you can find it in the forest but will grow in any garden. It is between 10 and 60cm high, it has white flowers that bloom at spring (September) up to the last days of summer (December).
Using all the parts of the plant, you can prepare an infusion like tea or a mouthwash for mouth or throat inflammations. It can also be applied on a patch for sores or burns. It has effective results on digestive or breathing systems problems.
Another herb is the “Matico” or known as “Pañil”. It can reach 3 metres high, it blooms between May and November, and its flowers are yellow and orange. We can use it for internal and external wound healing, as gastric disorders or infections. We can prepare it by leaving the plant to boil for 15 minutes and when cool we can apply it to disinfect wounds or we can prepare it as an infusion using the chopped leafs in boiling water.
This heavenly place is waiting for you to enjoy and taste our natural wonders...

     Ana Persano

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