Mapuches, Patagonias oldest natives
are the people of a native tribe thought to be origined in Patagonia, not only
in Argentinean Patagonia but also in the Chilean side. They come from a series
of previous paleoindian cultures. Nowadays the Mapuches origin is an issue yet
to be solved.
Beliefs and
Their religion
is based on the bond between the spiritual and the tangible world. Its main issues
are related to the cult to the spirits, mythic ancestors, nature spirits and
the relationship of the mapuche people with what they call “Ñuke Mapu”, that
means mother nature, finally, “Ngüenechen” (owner of the people) is the
equivalent to the Christian God.
The most
relevant is the “Ngüllatün” (Ngülla means beg/pray and tüll action) which takes
three days long and its celebrated once a year. It’s the ceremony through which
Mapuches pray to Ngüenechen , it’s an instance of contact with god, they ask
for protection, help and good weather it’s also
the moment to thank their god, to do this they offer sacrifices like the
blood of their best animals.
In order to
carry on Ngüllatün there must be a full moon because it is a ceremony related to fertility.
Jenaro Calviño
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