jueves, 10 de mayo de 2012

Rafting in El Bolsón

We have three rivers in the El Bolson in which you can practice rafting. Those rivers are: Puelo River, Azul River and El Manso River. The Manso River is the most difficult of them, and the longest.
Sometimes, rafting could be an extreme sport or activity, but those rivers, except for El Manso River, are relaxing and quiet riders. It is an all family, including little boys and girls.
We deal with El Manso River separately, because it is more difficult than the others. When you choose this on for rafting, you need an experienced partner to help you in case of accident or a hard situation prices. This is very important because rafting sometimes can be a dangerous sport. Rafting is one of the most exciting sport and we usually see people from different parts of the world coming here to enjoy it. This is one of the main attractions in our area.
Together with the paragliding they are two extreme sports that are practiced in the area.

Nehuen Bedetti

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