jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2012

La Playita:

''La Playita'' is a place inLagoPuelo, 20 minutes from El Bolson by car and 5 minutes from de village of Lago Puelo. This is a lovely beach where people spend their afternoons refreshing themselves in the quiet warm waters with their families.

From La Playita a trekking path  can be accessed  that takes you to a view point, el Mirador, from there the trail can be continued up to “el Desemboque”, going round the mountain. I recommend it because of the beauty of the landscape and the forest.

However not everything is as nice as it seems. Throughout the years this place has been being polluted and ruined because of the people carelessness. This lack of concern the environment will eventually produce the disintegration and destruction of this gorgeous place.

Long time ago the water was clear, natural and without any contamination, but due to the careless water circulation design in the Park, some wastewater drains into it apart fromtanines form nearby Pitras, a local tree. This causes the water to be lice invaded. This insects bite people and in some cases cause disease.

This is due to poor institutional organization that fails to inforce good behaviour in visitors, provide enough information about these outstanding places and how to take care of it. People not always aware about the disaster caused by garbage and so they are destroying more and more. I hope this changes soon, so to have a better place for all, to keep it clean and as natural as it was originally, preserving "La Playita" for future generations.


1 comentario:

  1. Good angle for this article. Should remove all those criptic signs that appear.
