martes, 4 de septiembre de 2012

be careful bolson is on fire

                                                        Be careful bolson is on fire
The summer is approaching and here in Bolson we have serious problems on this season. We received tourists and they go camping. The most concerning is when they decide to make a bbq and they need of course fire. But the problem is that in summer the grass is dry and, most probably, a spark can start a terrible forest fire.

Every year there is a lot of forest fires in Bolson, especially in summer. But a lot of people work to prevent this catastrophes: for example the SPLIF  (Servicio Permanente de Lucha contra Incendios Forestales) made a lot of campaigns  warning the people in the city and the tourists about the risk of making fire and of course they fought forest fires with their brigades.

Forest fires start for a lot of differente reasons. Mostly because  tourists or our people burn grass and bushes to clean their farms. Still there are people who start a forest fire because of an argument with their neighbors and the best revenge for them is to set fire to the farms.

There a lot of ways to prevent these tragic events. We can have a lot more of campaigns for all the people and  tourists and may be a good idea would be to forbid making fire or burn grass and bushes in summer.

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